New version 4.5.8 just published

What is new in version 4.5.8:

  • Improved system messages
  • Fixed issue that ReplaceMagic is not making replacements if parameter "Skip files bigger than" is set to 0

New version 4.5.7 just published

New in version 4.5.7 (10-03-2018)

  • Extended log file to include processed file size also
  • Changed that ReplaceMagic is started in normal size and not maximized like before
  • Included in Configuration information how many logical processors your computer has
  • Maximum number of parallel documents set to 100 (which is anyway too big for 99% of current computers)
  • During scan of documents ReplaceMagic is going through selected locations (you will see Read Folders in progress bar). Now you can set over Configuration after how many scanned documents you would like to see update in the progress bar. Recommendation is 1000 or in case of bigger location (according to number of documents stored there) at least 5000 or maybe every 10000
  • Extended ReplaceMagic to remember previously selected document extensions for processing. This means when you close ReplaceMagic next time when you start it, it will have pre-selected all extensions used last time
  • Instead of showing only if HTTP(s) links are broken or not, ReplaceMagic will now show also returned status code and descriptive name. More infos about status codes: 
  • Additional error description will be shown during SharePoint connection (only if option Suppress Warnings is not set). If Suppress Warnings is set message box will not appear, you will only see "No connection, please check logon data!" message
  • Enabled TLS 1.2 as after 10/31/2018 SharePoint.Online will support only TLS 1.2 (more info:

Mandatory use of TLS 1.2 in Office 365

Hi all,

in case that you are not aware but if you use Office 365 (SharePoint.Online) and you are still with old TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 keep in mind that after 31st of October, 2018 Microsoft will remove support to them and enable only TLS 1.2.

More infos can be found over:

Now good news - from ReplaceMagic ver. 4.5.7 (we plan to release it on 3rd of October, 2018) we are going to support TLS 1.2 so ReplaceMagic will not be affected by this change.

Of course, reason is that Microsoft, with right, is planning to increase security of communication.

Stay tuned until ReplaceMagic ver. 4.5.7.

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