New version 4.0.4 just published

New version of ReplaceMagic is just published (ver. 4.0.4).
New in 4.0.4:
  • Improved processing of hyperlinks in Word documents
  • Improved processing of PDF documents
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE

New version 4.0.3 just published

New in 4.0.3:

  • Bug fix for changes on hyperlinks in Word documents (case of UNC and file links)
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE

New version 4.0.2 just published

New version of ReplaceMagic is just published (ver. 4.0.2).
New in 4.0.2:

  • ReplaceMagic extended to support Windows Shortcuts
  • Improved regular expressions usage for all supported applications
  • Improved check does hyperlink exist
  • Bug fixing in search hyperlinks in Word documents
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE


ReplaceMagic.LNK made it also

We are proud to say that last of ReplaceMagic supported applications (support for Windows Shortcuts) was finally converted to new application (same like ReplaceMagic for Office and PDF).

Now you can use all advantages of modern design, multi-threading/multiple document processing to make changes in your Windows shortcuts.

ReplaceMagic can help with automatic changes for following Windows Shortcut (LNK) areas: working directory, target path, hot key, icon location, comment and arguments.

Download now ReplaceMagic.LNK and make changes in your Windows shortcuts.

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