New in version 4.7.3 (16th of November, 2019)
- License key is changed => All customer with valid maintenance will need new license key. Send us email to support[AT] and we will generate new license file.
- Fixed problem with usage of Regex when strings contained regular expression escape characters.
- Cosmetic change in About form to show maintenance validity when date format was not properly converted.
- Added tab with button to go to our document conversion cloud tool PDFtodo (
- Improved error handling when processing documents.
- Added options "Developer log info" and "SharePoint developer log info" in Configuration => Logs to enable collection of developer logs (only on ReplaceMagic team request).
- Improved check of broken links to return real error code returned and not to show, in most cases, "404 link not found".
- Fix bug that processing duration shown in dashboard was changing with every dashboard opening in case of time in minutes or hours.
- Extended Configuration to show # physical CPUs, # cores and # logical CPUs.
- Removed setting to check only limited number of links in trial version. Now, ReplaceMagic will, if instructed, always check links without any limitations (number of links to be checked).
- Fix bug when processing .aspx pages stored in SharePoint (save was reporting Stream closed error).
- Fixed minor bugs.
- ReplaceMagic supports now changes in VBA code in Word documents (documents with docm extension).
- Fixed issue that created, modified and accessed timestamp was converted to UTC instead to keep local time.
- Fixed that when "Extended network drives" option was used no scan location was selected until not clicked in a treeview.