New in version 2024.5 (15th of November, 2024)
- Fix bug that Excel document elements were saved in wrong order causing that Excel reports that document is corrupted. This was happening for documents having cells with inserted images. To avoid this please upgrade your ReplaceMagic version. If you were reprocessing documents (making changes) and saving them back new version will fix this problem.
- Fixed bug that PDF LauchActions were not processed (replacements) when documents are on SharePoint.
- As replacements of list items are causing very high workload on SharePoint side, Microsoft might block processing causing unexpected closure of ReplaceMagic. To reduce workload, ReplaceMagic will throttle processing to single list at a time. After list processing is completed, ReplaceMagic will automatically increase parallelism to the application configuration for further document processing. Due to very high pace of replacements, SharePoint might not update all URL-type fields in one run thus recommendation is repeat list processing until not all changes are done. Please note that list item processing is currently in BETA, and, due to this limitation, it is provided without warranty.
- ReplaceMagic will enforce 3 seconds break between processing lists to relaxed a bit pressure on SharePoint and reduce risk of blockage/closure of ReplaceMagic. Btw. It is recommended not to run more than few lists in parallel.
- Update of Microsoft.SharePoint components resolving problems with non-English sites (click in SharePoint selection treeview did not work).
- Extended logging for SharePoint error codes.
- Extended lists processing to support changes of attachments when list items are in folders.