Ver. 4.7.4 - improvements in processing on SharePoint, VBA in Excel docs and more

New in version 4.7.4 (07th of December):

  • Changed parameter name "Expected max. DocLib size (default value: 150.000)" to "Max docID value". New default value is set to 1.000.000.
  • Fixed problem that when parameter "Max docID value" was set to some non-default value after restarting ReplaceMagic default value was always used.
  • Extended SharePoint developer log entries to provide more details.
  • Extended that hyperlinks in OneNote documents are reported according to where they are=> TextNode hyperlinks and ImageNode hyperlinks.
  • Fix calculation for parallelism. Previously number was defined like physical CPU x cores x logical CPUs which was wrong as number of logical CPUs were core x threads. Now ReplaceMagic will show # physical CPUs, # cores and # threads with total number like # physical CPUs * # cores * # threads.
  • Fixed periodical issues when processing VBA code in Excel files.
  • Fixed counter during SharePoint documents processing when there were more than 5000 documents in selected location.
  • Improved error handling.
  • Changed export and import functionality as a preparation for coming changes (stay tuned...).
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.


This update is recommended to all but expecially users processing documents in large document libraries on SharePoint (more than 5000 documents) and processing VBA code in Excel documents.

From ReplaceMagic 4.7.3 - License key is changed => All customer with valid maintenance will need new license key. Send us email to support[AT] and we will generate new license file.


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