Ver. 2020.6.2 - Improved processing of SharePoint .aspx pages and more

New in version 2020.6.2 (19th of June, 2020)

  • Fixed bug that "Maintenance expired" popup appeared with valid license and English (Canada) date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • ReplaceMagic is now using FIPS compliant encryption algorithms
  • Extended selection in which hyperlink area change should be done. Initially, you could say that change should be make only in Address area of hyperlink and now you can set Address or TextToDisplay:

    Default is both (nothing is selected).
  • As each hyperlink in Office documents has two properties: Address and TextToDisplay from this version changes in each of areas will be separately counted. For example, there are 2 hyperlinks:

    After ReplaceMagic makes changes of google to replacemagic you will see both changes in results grid:

    and in replacement dashboard one counter for Hyperlink.Address and one for Hyperlink.TextToDisplay:

  • Changes of SharePoint .aspx pages do not work anymore - Recently we noticed that SharePoint is blocking changes of .aspx page which worked before. After investigation it looks like that on site level Microsoft changed authorizations by including DenyAddAndCustomizePages which now blocking changes of .aspx pages (when you try to do that ReplaceMagic will show in AdditionalInfo tab under skipped documents that you did not have permissions to make changes). More details and workaround can be found in this article (PowerShell scripts).
  • Improved processing of SharePoint .ASPX, Wiki and Canvas pages in case that you have special characters or use languages like German French... To use new functionality you will need to set parameter HTML Decode/Encode SharePoint pages [BETA] under Configuration => SharePoint

Ver. 2020.6.1 - OneDrive for Business extension and more

What is new:

  • Further improvements when using Multi-Factor authentication on SharePoint (still on beta)
  • From this version we included additional parameter "Stop replacements if backup does not work" (default: selected)

    which is used if you select that ReplaceMagic has to make backup of your documents (no matter if this is backup of all or only changed documents). Basically, with this option if ReplaceMagic cannot create backup (for example, not enough disk space) documents will not be saved and even if ReplaceMagic will report that changes are done; documents will appear in Additional Info tab with message that due to the backup problem save did not work.

    In case that you do not use backup functionality this parameter will not have any impact.
  • Extended support for OneDrive for Business [BETA] (URLs like:<upn>)
  • Fix rare bug that ReplaceMagic was crashing during maxID search when document libraries had more than few hundred thousand of documents
  • Further improvements to find maximum document ID on SharePoint
  • Reduced default value of SharePoint Query Row Limit parameter to 4900 to avoid hitting normal SharePoint threshold limit of 5000
  • In case that you set parameter "Set ReplaceMagic comment"

    ReplaceMagic will during check-in/check-out or change of moderation status use value from text field (here: "ReplaceMagic Processing"). In case that this parameter is not set ReplaceMagic will retain current document value. Previously, ReplaceMagic was putting empty string.
  • In case that you are attaching template to your Word documents ReplaceMagic can show those links and make their replacements. Attached Templates will appear under Link Sources tab (in Name column you will see Attached Template text) and if you want to make replacement in that area you will need to select replacements in Attached Template (Word):


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