Version 4.6.7 released with more than few changes

New in version 4.6.7 (02-24-2019)

  • Improved performances during SharePoint processing when documents with changes are processed
  • Rewritten SharePoint coding when processing document libraries with Content Approval and/or Major/Minor versioning
  • SharePoint.Online SSO logon additional changes (functionality still in BETA)
  • Changed how LinkSources in Excel documents are processed
  • Extended support that ReplaceMagic can process documents in SharePoint sites collection and not that you have to login in each of sites separately
  • Bug fixing when processing documents in SharePoint OnPrem. SharePoint.Online allows # and % in file name and support for that caused issues on SharePoint.OnPrem
  • Improvement during check for broken links in documents stored on SharePoint (Online and OnPremise) - in case that relative link is found ReplaceMagic, during check if link is broken, will show full URL. SharePoint is doing something similar. Links in the document will stay the same. Due to security reasons might happen that check for broken links will not work (potential error code: "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.")
  • Improved cleanup of long running documents
  • Improved checks of memory utilization
  • Cosmetical changes
    • If something is in RegEx field and checkbox is unchecked RegEx content is removed
    • Fixed double showing of replacement dashboard when processing is manually stopped
    • Fix problem that when processing is cancelled in some cases all buttons are disabled (only option to continue processing is to close and re-open ReplaceMagic again)



ReplaceMagic 4.6.6 just released...

What is changed:

  • Added additional SharePoint logon method (beta)
  • Improved preparation phases for scan or replacement process
  • Ultra-fast scan performances improved
  • Scanning dashboard extended to include additional information after ultra-fast scan
  • Further multi document processing improvements

As always, we recommend that you update and use latest version of ReplaceMagic...

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