Ver. 2023.1 - new WebView, multi language site support, name manager and more...

What is new:

  • WebLogon authentication used Microsoft Browser component to log or get logon data for SharePoint. As this component is based on Internet Explorer, it will start not work for SharePoint Modern sites logon as Microsoft is retiring Internet Explorer. To address this, we changed that ReplaceMagic is using new WebView2 component based on Chromium which supports modern sites also. 

    As this required installation of Microsoft WebView2 component, ReplaceMagic setup will trigger deployment if installation is not present.

    WebViev component will store cache in c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\replacemagic\EBWebView which might grow with the time. If this folder is deleted, you will need to login again. In case that command line is used, please ensure that you first login via ReplaceMagic interfaces as only then cache entries are present and logon will work without user interaction.
  • New parameter added to empty WebView2 cache on ReplaceMagic exist. Per default, parameter is not set.
  • Fixed bug that changes are not done in Text and Formulas in Excel files.
  • Name Manager - included that ReplaceMagic is not making changes of Name Manager links if they are longer than 235 characters to avoid hitting Excel limits as that will remove Name Manager links.
  • Name Manager - include processing only of Name Manager references which are visible in Excel (as there might be some hidden Name Manager references not visible to users)
  • Name Manager - as there might be a lot of name manager links which are mainly internal, per default, ReplaceMagic will not include them. In case that you expect external links in Name Manager links select option "Include Name Manager links".
    Expect that this will include a lot of link in Link Source section where majority (if not all) will be internal links that you can ignore.
  • Processing of huge documents (>250Mb) on SharePoint.Online - Per default SharePoint.Online does not allow upload of documents larger than 250 Mb which means that ReplaceMagic will report error and documents will not be changed. To allow huge documents upload, ReplaceMagic will split document in blocks of 245Mb allowing upload of any documents size (ok, there might be some other SharePoint.Online limits like maximum file size but this is different story). This will work only if you allow processing of larger documents (parameter in Configuration => Configuration => Skip files larger than) as per default ReplaceMagic is skipping documents larger than 100Mb.
    • This will not work in case of App-Only authentication [beta]
    • In case that upload is, for any reason, interrupted before it is completed (all blocks), files will be damaged as only part of file is uploaded. Btw. same will happen also with any other tool uploading documents in blocks.
  • Added support for ReplacePreview mode for list item links.
  • Extended log file creation to include application version.
  • Changed setting name "Update Read Folder status" to "Refresh preparation status".
  • Extended "Refresh preparation status" to include progress bar updates when filtering documents.
  • Extended processing of FieldCodes of type FieldHyperlink and property Address and SubAddress.
  • As WebView cache can grow we added button to clear it manually.
  • Improved processing of multi language sites.
  • Improved PowerQueries processing.
  • New theme added: VS2022.

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