New version 4.0.6 just published

We just released new version 4.0.6 with a lot of changes:

If you click on button "Clear List" ReplaceMagic will ask if you are sure. This is included to avoid that processing results are deleted by mistake.

·    Processing summary is now moved completely at the end in Console view after BadFiles report
·    We extended ReplaceMagic with option to check are there new updates:

Currently this is manual process as you have to click but ultimate goal is to include automatic checks and that will follow.
· Added option to enable filtering (only Professional edition) in result grids. To set this go to Configuration => Enable filtering:

Filter options are:

  • Extended reporting to include per application type number of corresponding hyperlinks, OLE links, link source and pivot tables. For example:

    Total number of Excel document(s): 9 with size of 3855kb
    24 hyperlinks found in Excel documents
    6 OLE links found in Excel documents
    29 link sources found in Excel documents
    2 pivot tables found in Excel documents

·   Added parameter Wait X second(s) for threads to finish in Configuration - this parameter instructs ReplaceMagic to wait X seconds before it writes to Console summary about current processing. Without this parametar might happen that ReplaceMagic writes summary before processing is finished which will lead that some files are not included in summary.
·    Changed that during import search&replace and passwords strings if separator is not correct line will be skipped but all other lines will be imported. Before ReplaceMagic did not import anything.
·    Import Separator is used for Search&Replace and Password imports

·    In case that some documents cannot be opened ReplaceMagic was writting info about documents in console view or in log file. Now we extended result lists with additional tab "Additional Info" which will appear only if there are "bad documents". Of course, all information will be still written in console tab and logs like before:

·    In Scan Documents tab if you chose Export and then select "Single export file (all scan results split on different sheets)" ReplaceMagic will include also bad documents.
·    Extended changes in PDF documents to support LaunchAction parallel to changes of hyperlinks:

Launch action launches an application or opens or prints a document.

·    Added support for changes in Excel formulas:

·    Minor bug fixing...

New version 4.0.2 just published

New version of ReplaceMagic is just published (ver. 4.0.2).
New in 4.0.2:

  • ReplaceMagic extended to support Windows Shortcuts
  • Improved regular expressions usage for all supported applications
  • Improved check does hyperlink exist
  • Bug fixing in search hyperlinks in Word documents
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE


What are future plans for ReplaceMagic?

Well, from time to time we are getting questions from our customers and not yet customer what do we plan with ReplaceMagic, how development will go and do we have some roadmaps.

In general, most important for us is to support as soon as new Office version is published document types of that version.

Long term we plan to go away from Office automatisation. It works fine and it makes development easier. Document model is well supported and without too much effort we can support new Office version but ... like Microsoft is saying this is not best way to work with Office document thus long goal is to go away from it.

To make this story short - we are currently building new version of ReplaceMagic that will not need Office applications installed on computer where ReplaceMagic is running.

Second - performances - we think that ReplaceMagic works fast but not fast enough. We you compare time needed to make replacements manually and with ReplaceMagic we are comparing somebody on bycicle and somebody driving fast car :).

No matter to this acceleration this is area where we expects additional improvements and that will be done by multi-thread enablements.

Our initial tests with multi-threads (10 threads during our test) and without Office shown that new ReplaceMagic will run multiple times fast. With out test documents (~12.000 documents) we were able to open them and check for hyperlinks in less than 5 minutes.

Next big point will be document types extension. Currently ReplaceMagic supports replacements in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Project, Visio documents and Windows shortcuts. In the future we will also support replacement of PDF documents, OneNote and maybe also emails (eml and Outlook files).

Almost forgot new version is big jump so we will also change ReplaceMagic design and currently it looks like this:

We cannot provide estimate when this will be finished as we are talking about completely rewritten application but we hope that this will happen during 2015.

Stay tuned...

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