Special offer for existing customers

We strongly believe that new version of ReplaceMagic makes huge steps forward and we are greatful to all customers. Without you we would not developer all features that are making ReplaceMagic. Tons of feedback over last few years resulted in new ReplaceMagic version.

As you could see in some other blog posts we support:

  • OneNote and
  • PDF documents
  • ReplaceMagic can process in parallel multiple number of documents
  • We do not need Office to run ReplaceMagic
  • All changes are done directly in binary documents
  • ...

As a thank you for years of ReplaceMagic usage and trust in our products we decided to offer all existing customers to get this new version (including 12 months of free upgrades) for 25% of product price and in a addition all owners of ReplaceMagic Bundle editions (now called ReplaceMagic.Office) will get free upgrade to ReplaceMagic.Total which includes also support for PDF documents.

If you want to put your hands on new ReplaceMagic version send us email (click HERE) and we will assist you in purchase process.

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