Hi all,
with this version we made a lot of changes.
- Extended Scan Documents result table to show document extension, file size in bytes or kbytes or mbytes or gbytes. File size can be controlled over Configuration.
- Scan Documents result table extended also with information about user template in Word documents (Template Name or Template Path) and in Powerpoint (Document Property.Application Template)
- Also added DocumentExtension information
- Enabled that in all result grids column position can be changed (simple drag-n-drop)
- Over Configuration => Document Properties included option to control what document properties will be shown in Scan documents result table and included in results export
- Search and replace extended to support changes in attached template in Word documents (only for attached templates) and also document property Application Template in case of Powerpoint documents
- Changed layout of Search&Replace form
- Extended processing of ReadOnly documents. To enable this go to Configuration => Processing and set Update ReadOnly files. If document is ReadOnly ReplaceMagic will remove this flag, make changes and set ReadOnly flag back afterwards
- It is possible now to re-order result grid layout (Scan Documents, Hyperlinks, OLE links, Link Sources, Pivot Tables, Search & Replace). Just drag-n-drop columns
- Newly adjusted column order will be saved and available next time when ReplaceMagic is opened
- In case that you want to reset column order to original search for documents: gridFindDocumentsLayout.xml, gridHyperlinksLayout.xml, gridOLELinksLayout.xml, gridPivotTablesLayout.xml, gridLinkSourcesLayout.xml and/or gridSearchReplaceLayout.xml and delete them. Usually they are saved in c:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Webtime Corporation\ReplaceMagic.Total
- Important: if you export results and then re-order columns import will not work properly. Please keep this in mind
- Adjusted export always exportd results with same column order like in selected grid
- In case of export of result in Scan Documents tab you have following new options:
- Single export file (all scan information split on different sheets)
- Single export file (all scan information merged in one sheets
- Bug fixing when exporting Search&Replace string
- New design of Search&Replace form to allow longer text fields
- Extended ReplaceMagic Splash screen to show full application version
- Improved performances of Powerpoint documents processing
- Changed header titles in Scan Document results table
- Fixed bug when opening password protected Project documents (documents were skipped)
- Enforce memory cleanup added to Configuration => Configuration tab. This will enabled ReplaceMagic to do memory cleanup every 100 documents. Otherwise Windows will decide when to make garbage collection and free used memory.
As you can see a lot of changes. Download latest version and let us know your feedback.