New version 4.0.9 just published

Hi all,

we just published new version of ReplaceMagic.
It includes:

·     Improved processing of documents over the network.
·     Improved error handling in case of old Excel documents (Excel 95)
·     Cosmetic changes. Better layout for different font scale sizes
·     ReplaceMagis supports setting to skip Offline documents
·     Added configuration setting "Update Read Folders status" - by setting this ReplaceMagic will show preparation of files for processing in progress bar
·     Added option to set what should ReplaceMagic do after first change is done. Per default, once when change is done we are skipping further changes. Now you can set that ReplaceMagic should continue. Setting is in Configuration => Processing => Continue replacements after first change?
·     In case of export to Excel if cell has more than 32.000 characters export will not work (Excel limitation), with this version export will not be stopped due to this Excel limit
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