New version 4.0.6 just published

We just released new version 4.0.6 with a lot of changes:

If you click on button "Clear List" ReplaceMagic will ask if you are sure. This is included to avoid that processing results are deleted by mistake.

·    Processing summary is now moved completely at the end in Console view after BadFiles report
·    We extended ReplaceMagic with option to check are there new updates:

Currently this is manual process as you have to click but ultimate goal is to include automatic checks and that will follow.
· Added option to enable filtering (only Professional edition) in result grids. To set this go to Configuration => Enable filtering:

Filter options are:

  • Extended reporting to include per application type number of corresponding hyperlinks, OLE links, link source and pivot tables. For example:

    Total number of Excel document(s): 9 with size of 3855kb
    24 hyperlinks found in Excel documents
    6 OLE links found in Excel documents
    29 link sources found in Excel documents
    2 pivot tables found in Excel documents

·   Added parameter Wait X second(s) for threads to finish in Configuration - this parameter instructs ReplaceMagic to wait X seconds before it writes to Console summary about current processing. Without this parametar might happen that ReplaceMagic writes summary before processing is finished which will lead that some files are not included in summary.
·    Changed that during import search&replace and passwords strings if separator is not correct line will be skipped but all other lines will be imported. Before ReplaceMagic did not import anything.
·    Import Separator is used for Search&Replace and Password imports

·    In case that some documents cannot be opened ReplaceMagic was writting info about documents in console view or in log file. Now we extended result lists with additional tab "Additional Info" which will appear only if there are "bad documents". Of course, all information will be still written in console tab and logs like before:

·    In Scan Documents tab if you chose Export and then select "Single export file (all scan results split on different sheets)" ReplaceMagic will include also bad documents.
·    Extended changes in PDF documents to support LaunchAction parallel to changes of hyperlinks:

Launch action launches an application or opens or prints a document.

·    Added support for changes in Excel formulas:

·    Minor bug fixing...

New version 4.0.5 just published

Hi all,

with this version we made a lot of changes.

  • Extended Scan Documents result table to show document extension, file size in bytes or kbytes or mbytes or gbytes. File size can be controlled over Configuration.
  • Scan Documents result table extended also with information about user template in Word documents (Template Name or Template Path) and in Powerpoint (Document Property.Application Template)
  • Also added DocumentExtension information
  • Enabled that in all result grids column position can be changed (simple drag-n-drop)
  • Over Configuration => Document Properties included option to control what document properties will be shown in Scan documents result table and included in results export
  • Search and replace extended to support changes in attached template in Word documents (only for attached templates) and also document property Application Template in case of Powerpoint documents
  • Changed layout of Search&Replace form
  • Extended processing of ReadOnly documents. To enable this go to Configuration => Processing and set Update ReadOnly files. If document is ReadOnly ReplaceMagic will remove this flag, make changes and set ReadOnly flag back afterwards
  • It is possible now to re-order result grid layout (Scan Documents, Hyperlinks, OLE links, Link Sources, Pivot Tables, Search & Replace). Just drag-n-drop columns
  • Newly adjusted column order will be saved and available next time when ReplaceMagic is opened
  • In case that you want to reset column order to original search for documents: gridFindDocumentsLayout.xml, gridHyperlinksLayout.xml, gridOLELinksLayout.xml, gridPivotTablesLayout.xml, gridLinkSourcesLayout.xml and/or gridSearchReplaceLayout.xml and delete them. Usually they are saved in c:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Webtime Corporation\ReplaceMagic.Total 
  • Important: if you export results and then re-order columns import will not work properly. Please keep this in mind
  • Adjusted export always exportd results with same column order like in selected grid
  • In case of export of result in Scan Documents tab you have following new options:
    • Single export file (all scan information split on different sheets)
    • Single export file (all scan information merged in one sheets
  • Bug fixing when exporting Search&Replace string
  • New design of Search&Replace form to allow longer text fields
  • Extended ReplaceMagic Splash screen to show full application version
  • Improved performances of Powerpoint documents processing
  • Changed header titles in Scan Document results table
  • Fixed bug when opening password protected Project documents (documents were skipped)
  • Enforce memory cleanup added to Configuration => Configuration tab. This will enabled ReplaceMagic to do memory cleanup every 100 documents. Otherwise Windows will decide when to make garbage collection and free used memory.

As  you can see a lot of changes. Download latest version and let us know your feedback.

New version 4.0.4 just published

New version of ReplaceMagic is just published (ver. 4.0.4).
New in 4.0.4:
  • Improved processing of hyperlinks in Word documents
  • Improved processing of PDF documents
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE

New version 4.0.3 just published

New in 4.0.3:

  • Bug fix for changes on hyperlinks in Word documents (case of UNC and file links)
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE

New version 4.0.2 just published

New version of ReplaceMagic is just published (ver. 4.0.2).
New in 4.0.2:

  • ReplaceMagic extended to support Windows Shortcuts
  • Improved regular expressions usage for all supported applications
  • Improved check does hyperlink exist
  • Bug fixing in search hyperlinks in Word documents
As always to download latest ReplaceMagic version click HERE


ReplaceMagic.LNK made it also

We are proud to say that last of ReplaceMagic supported applications (support for Windows Shortcuts) was finally converted to new application (same like ReplaceMagic for Office and PDF).

Now you can use all advantages of modern design, multi-threading/multiple document processing to make changes in your Windows shortcuts.

ReplaceMagic can help with automatic changes for following Windows Shortcut (LNK) areas: working directory, target path, hot key, icon location, comment and arguments.

Download now ReplaceMagic.LNK and make changes in your Windows shortcuts.

New version 4.0.1 published

We just published new ReplaceMagic version (4.0.1) - only change is that installation and application are now signed with SHA-256 which does not have any impact on current functionality.

Reason for this is because old signature model (SHA1) is not anymore supported by Windows.

To download latest version please go here


Special offer for existing customers

We strongly believe that new version of ReplaceMagic makes huge steps forward and we are greatful to all customers. Without you we would not developer all features that are making ReplaceMagic. Tons of feedback over last few years resulted in new ReplaceMagic version.

As you could see in some other blog posts we support:

  • OneNote and
  • PDF documents
  • ReplaceMagic can process in parallel multiple number of documents
  • We do not need Office to run ReplaceMagic
  • All changes are done directly in binary documents
  • ...

As a thank you for years of ReplaceMagic usage and trust in our products we decided to offer all existing customers to get this new version (including 12 months of free upgrades) for 25% of product price and in a addition all owners of ReplaceMagic Bundle editions (now called ReplaceMagic.Office) will get free upgrade to ReplaceMagic.Total which includes also support for PDF documents.

If you want to put your hands on new ReplaceMagic version send us email (click HERE) and we will assist you in purchase process.

New version 4.0.0 is just published!

Are you prepared to be surprised by a new totally rewritten ReplaceMagic? We are pleased to announce that we have launched a totally new version of  product – ReplaceMagic (ver. 4.0.0) – and are very exciting by its features as ReplaceMagic now:

  • Does not need Office to make changes in your documents which improves performances a lot
  • Is threads-enabled meaning that you can run multiple documents in parallel (depends on your computer power) which additionally accelerates processing
  • Has modern design
  • Includes support for OneNote and PDF documents processing
  • and really much more...

No competing product comes close in terms of features, ease of use and price. Please download new version (click HERE) and review its capabilities. If you are have any questions do not hesitate to contact us over +1-302-476-2350 or over email support[AT]


Old ReplaceMagic vs. new version

As you can notice we did not publish new version of ReplaceMagic for long period of time.

Reason is simple - all our development efforts are on new ReplaceMagic version. Old version will get only bug fixing in case of issues.
Progress on new ReplaceMagic is going good - complete application will be redesigned. ReplaceMagic will not be Microsoft Office dependent. It will be multi-thread enables and totally new is that we will have ReplaceMagic.PDF and ReplaceMagic.OneNote version.

Like names suggest we will support changes in PDF and OneNote documents.

First Beta is already shared with some customers and initial feedback is good :).

All current customers will be notified about new ReplaceMagic when we release it.

Of course, stay tuned to new blog posts as we will talk and share some screenshots from new ReplaceMagic.

Btw. did you watch ReplaceMagic video:

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